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Announcing the New and Improved Compare DOCX API
4/29/2024 - Brian O'Neill

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve added a brand-new feature to the Compare DOCX iteration of the Cloudmersive Private Cloud Convert API.

It’s now possible to compare the header and footer sections of DOCX documents by setting a headersAndFooters parameter to true.

The Compare DOCX API helps streamline the difficult and tedious process of identifying differences between similar Word documents.

stack of documents with clamps

Cloudmersive Private Cloud Convert API customers can leverage the Compare DOCX API to identify discrepancies between two different versions of an important document (e.g., legal contracts and invoices). Such documents tend to change hands multiple times and undergo several rounds of edits during ongoing negotiations with clients and customers.

The addition of the headersAndFooters parameter allows for a more comprehensive document comparison.

For more information on the Cloudmersive Private Cloud Convert API, please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of our team.

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