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Load Testing Best Practices for Cloudmersive API Managed Instance
9/1/2023 - Cloudmersive Support

An effective approach to load test Cloudmersive API Managed Instance is to utilize Apache JMeter, an open source load testing tool.

First, create a Thread Group by right-clicking on your Test Plan and adding a Thread Group. Then add an HTTP Request to the Thread Group. Configure the HTTP Request to point to your Cloudmersive API Managed Instance test instance. Ensure that this is in a load testing environment and not a production environment. Ensure that this environment does not share resources with a production environment. Configure the request as needed, e.g. as an HTTP POST request and add the needed parameters. You will typically need to include an HTTP Header for the Apikey, and any other header-based parameters. You will also want to include a Multi-part form-data if applicable with a file upload.

Here is an example configuration for Advanced Virus Scan API:

JMeter Configuration

You will also want to configure the HTTP headers to set the API key:

JMeter Header Configuration

Now, configure your Thread Group by specifying how many concurrent test threads you would like to use as well as the duration of the test. You should use 2 threads per Compute Core in your API Managed Instance. You should not exceed this guideline number. If you need more capacity, you can work with your account manager to provision additional compute capacity in your Managed Instance.

Now add additional items to the Thread Group:

  • View Results in Table
  • Summary Report
  • View Results Tree

Your configuration should now resemble this:

JMeter Load Test Configuration

You are now ready to run your test. We recommend starting small to ensure the test works as expected, for example with 2 threads. Run the test for 5 minutes and ensure that it is functioning as expected.

You are now ready to scale up your test. Increase the number of threads to your target peak utilization from estimates, modeling or historical data of your application's usage. Once you have adjusted the thread parameters, you can begin testing.

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