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Security Threat Detected Error Message Samples
6/1/2022 - Cloudmersive Support

When a security threat is detected in a file upload, you will typically want to show an error message to your user. However, you may not want to make this error message too specific; if it includes too many details about the nature of the security threat it may enable a determined attacker to further their attack.

Sample Error Messages

Cloudmersive does not endorse or recommend any error messages at this time. These sample error messages are provided for informational purposes only.

Security threat detected in file uploaded

File upload blocked for security reasons

File upload was not valid, try a different file

File upload is not supported; try a different file

Processing Error Messages

Cloudmersive does not endorse or recommend any error messages at this time. These sample error messages are provided for informational purposes only.

File uploaded could not be processed; please try again later

File upload could not be completed at this time

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